25 de diciembre de 2007

Feliz Navidad

Yo pase la navidad con toda mi familia, mucha comida, mucha bebida y contando historias y aventuras de otros años. La pase muy bien espero que ustedes también. ¡Feliz Navidad!
The Killers - Don´t shoot me Santa

23 de diciembre de 2007

Será cierto?

Ultimamente varias personas de sexo femenino me dicen "eres un cabron", será cierto? Según yo ellas son complicadas y a mi no me gustan las complicaciones... I´m dog, I´m dog, I´m dog

18 de diciembre de 2007

Nunca estamos contentos

Hace una semana me quejaba de la cantidad de trabajo y como estaba en chinga a toda hora, con todo y que me encanta mi trabajo si llegue a mentar madres un par de veces. Hoy me quejo de que no tengo absolutamente nada que hacer, me aburro en la oficina y facebook ya no es tan divertido como antes, algún día estaré contento?
Si alguien lee esto me podría decir que le parece el nuevo diseño?

17 de diciembre de 2007

Domingo 16 de diciembre de 2007

Hoy, después de muchos días, demasiados dice mucha gente, por fin desperté verdaderamente contento, con ganas de volverla a ver y reirnos del mundo.

14 de octubre de 2007

Poor Pluto

Me encontré este dibujo con el Stumble Upon y me dio algo de risa, a ver si a ustedes también! ---------------- Now playing: Wolfmother - Pyramid via FoxyTunes

10 de octubre de 2007

Radiohed - In Rainbows

Son las 2:34 de la mañana y acabo de escuchar por primera vez el nuevo disco de Radiohed "In Rainbows" enterito y solo puedo decir WOW! Sin duda la mejor banda de la actualidad, las letras de Thom en este disco son muy buenas (recomiendo http://radioheadlyrics2006.blogspot.com), tiene buenísimos riffs de guitarra y bajo, la batería es perfecta, muchas secuencias pero nunca cae en algo electrónico, absolutamente todo de este disco es increíble! Hasta ahorita mis favoritas son 15 steps, Bodysnatchers y All I Have, esto es solo despues de oírlas una vez, se que este disco va a estar mucho tiempo en el iPod! Si todavía no lo bajan entren a InRainbows.com y compren el disco, el precio del download lo deciden ustedes, si quieren el Boxset son 40 libras que en verdad merecen la pena pagar!
---------------- Now playing: Radiohead - All I Need via FoxyTunes

7 de octubre de 2007


Para los que se perdieron la presentación de Justice en el Vive Cuervo Salón!

Tremenda fiesta! Ojala se repita pronto!

Nuevo disco de Radiohead

Hace una semana en la pagina oficial del grupo apareció el anuncio del séptimo disco de estudio de la mejor banda en la actualidad. Después de 4 años de larga espera por fin podremos disfrutar de las creaciones de Thom York y compañía. El disco que solo se puede conseguir vía InRainbows.com esta a la venta en dos formatos, digital por el precio que tu creas debes pagar por el disco y un box set increíble con viniles canciones extras y arte de la banda por 40 libras, unos 900 pesos, a partir del 10 de octubre pero lo puedes pre-ordenar ya, yo ya ordene mi caja! Es muy raro que un disco no aparezca en internet antes de su venta pero "In Rainbows" no sea a filtrado gracias a que la banda no tiene disquera y solo los involucrados en el disco tienen acceso a el. Existen rumores que Radiohead firmara con Warner o ATO y el disco estará a la venta antes de que termine el año de forma tradicional. No olviden felicitar a Thom que celebra su 39 cumpleaños el día de hoy!

19 de septiembre de 2007

No I in Threesome

Ya salio el nuevo video de Interpol "No I in Threesome", el video no esta muy bueno pero la cancion es de las mejores del disco.
Ya falta menos para el Manifest!

14 de septiembre de 2007

i chose not to choose life

Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday night. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?

5 de septiembre de 2007


El jueves 6 en La Cite empieza el maratón, mas info en mi mail!

4 de septiembre de 2007

Uno de Pepito

Llega la Mamá de Pepito a su casay se encuentra a su hijo jugando en la sala, y le pregunta: - ¿Qué haces hijo? - Estoy jugando. -¿Con qué juegas? -Con lo que me sale de los huevos... ¡Óyeme pendejo! ¡a mi no me hablas así que soy tu madre!!! ¡Cabron! ¡Eres un escuincle malcriado! ¡Majadero, hijo de la chin...!!! (todo esto acompañado por una suculenta y surtida buena madriza). Al rato llega Pepito sangrando, moreteado y todo madreado con su Papá y le dice: - Papi... chingas a tu madre si me vuelves a comprar un "Kinder Sorpresa"

25 de agosto de 2007

The Darjeeling Limited

Trailer de la nueva pelicula de Wes Anderson!

24 de agosto de 2007

Volver a comenzar

La nueva canción de Cafe Tacva esta excelente, soy fan! Cafe Tacva - Volver a comenzar si hiciera una lista de mis errores de los menores hasta los peores que expusiera todas las heridas los fracasos desamores y las mentiras ofreceré el aroma del ámbar ofreceré el cedro y mis lágrimas con la paciencia del mar esperare toda una vida a que sabe la confianza si volviera a comenzar no tendría tiempo de reparar si tuviera un viaje a mis adentros y sobreviviera a los lamentos pediría fuerzas para decir cuanto lo siento si volviera de un viaje a mis adentros si volviera a comenzar no tendría tiempo de reparar el agua derramada esta la sed que siento no zaceara cuantas cosas mas puedo guardar cuantas cosas puedo atesorar dulce tentación de dejarlo todo cuanto espacio mas quiero ocupar hasta los recuerdos ya no caben en este lugar cuantas cosas me puedo llevar la ultima mudanza debe ser la mas ligera dulce tentación de dejarlo todo dulce tentación regalarlo todo si volviera a comenzar no tendría tiempo de reparar el agua derramada esta la sed que siento me sanara el agua derramada esta la sed que siento me sanara

23 de agosto de 2007

19 de agosto de 2007

Fotos de Lollapalooza!

Subi todas las fotos que tomamos a Flickr chequenlas!

31 de julio de 2007

120 kilos en movimiento!

Mana gracias por este momento!

30 de julio de 2007

29 de julio de 2007

The Chicken Dance

Una de las mejores series que he visto!

17 de julio de 2007

2 de julio de 2007

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger


Por lo que cuesta el iPhone debería hacer todo esto!

Buscando amor?

Da click para verlas mas grandes.

20 de junio de 2007

Girls are evil

Las matematicas explican todo!

Ask a silly question

I have 2 dogs & I was buying a large bag of Pal at Big W and standing inline at the check out. A woman behind me asked if I had a dog. On impulse, I told her that no, I was starting The Pal Diet again although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IV's in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Pal nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry & that the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again. I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a guy who was behind her. Horrified, she asked if I'd ended up in the hospital in that condition because I had been poisoned. I told her no; it was because I'd been sitting in the street licking my balls and a car hit me. I thought one guy was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard as he staggered out the door. Stupid b*tch...why else would I buy dog food?? Tomado de aquí

18 de junio de 2007

Hala Madrid! 30 y contando!

Este fin de semana el Real Madrid se proclamo flamante campeón de la liga de las estrellas tras superar en un emocionante partido al Mallorca por 3 a 1. Se adelanto el Mallorca y ganaba el Barca pero todo estaba planeado para que se emocionaran y después pudiéramos cantar:
¡Etoo, cabron, saluda al campeón!
Con esta es la liga número 30 que se lleva el Madrid y llega a lo más alto del futbol español mostrando una clarísima superioridad frente a los demás equipos. David Beckam y Roberto Carlos celebraron su ultimo partido como merengues, el ingles se va al LA Galaxy y el brasileño después de 11 temporadas en el Madrid se va al Fenerbahçe Turco.
Hala Madrid, la siguiente temporada la decima!

16 de junio de 2007

50 cosas que hacer

Fifty Fun Things To Do During A Final That You Know You Are Going To Fail
1. Bring a pillow. Fall asleep (or pretend to) until the last 15 minutes. Wake up, say "oh geez, better get cracking" and do some gibberish work. Turn it in a few minutes early. 2. Get a copy of the exam, run out screaming "Andre, Andre, I've got the secret documents!!" 3. If it is a math/science exam, answer in essay form. If it is long answer/essay form, answer with numbers and symbols. Be creative. Use the integral symbol. 4. Make paper airplanes out of the exam. Aim them at the instructor's left nostril. 5. Talk the entire way through the exam. Read questions aloud, debate your answers with yourself out loud. If asked to stop, yell out, "I'm SOOO sure you can hear me thinking." Then start talking about what a jerk the instructor is. 6. Bring cheerleaders. 7. Walk in, get the exam, sit down. About five minutes into it, loudly say to the instructor, "I don't understand ANY of this. I've been to every lecture all semester long! What's the deal? And who the hell are you? Where's the regular guy?" 8. Bring a Game Boy (or Game Gear, etc...). Play with the volume at max level. 9. On the answer sheet (book, whatever) find a new, interesting way to refuse to answer every question. For example: I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it conflicts with my religious beliefs. Be creative. 10. Bring pets. 11. Run into the exam room looking about frantically. Breathe a sigh of relief. Go to the instructor, say "They've found me, I have to leave the country" and run off. 12. Fifteen minutes into the exam, stand up, rip up all the papers into very small pieces, throw them into the air and yell out "Merry Christmas." If you're really daring, ask for another copy of the exam. Say you lost the first one. Repeat this process every fifteen minutes. 13. Do the exam with crayons, paint, or fluorescent markers. 14. Come into the exam wearing slippers, a bathrobe, a towel on your head, and nothing else. 15. Come down with a BAD case of Tourette's Syndrome during the exam. Be as vulgar as possible. 16. Do the entire exam in another language. If you don't know one, make one up! For math/science exams, try using Roman numerals. 17. Bring things to throw at the instructor when s/he's not looking. Blame it on the person nearest to you. 18. As soon as the instructor hands you the exam, eat it. 19. Walk into the exam with an entourage. Claim you are going to be taping your next video during the exam. Try to get the instructor to let them stay, be persuasive. Tell the instructor to expect a percentage of the profits if they are allowed to stay. 20. Every five minutes, stand up, collect all your things, move to another seat, continue with the exam. 21. Turn in the exam approximately 30 minutes into it. As you walk out, start commenting on how easy it was. 22. Do the entire exam as if it was multiple choice and true/false. If it is a multiple choice exam, spell out interesting things (DCCAB. BABE. etc..). 23. Bring a black marker. Return the exam with all questions and answers completely blacked out. 24. Get the exam. Twenty minutes into it, throw your papers down violently, scream out "Fuck this!" and walk out triumphantly. 25. Arrange a protest before the exam starts (i.e. Threaten the instructor that whether or not everyone's done, they are all leaving after one hour to go drink) 26. Show up completely drunk. (Completely drunk means at some point during the exam, you should start crying for mommy). 27. Every now and then, clap twice rapidly. If the instructor asks why, tell him/her in a very derogatory tone, "the light bulb that goes on above my head when I get an idea is hooked up to a clapper. DUH!" 28. Comment on how sexy the instructor is looking that day. 29. Come to the exam wearing a black cloak. After about 30 minutes, put on a white mask and start yelling "I'm here, the phantom of the opera" until they drag you away. 30. Go to an exam for a class you have no clue about, where you know the class is very small, and the instructor would recognize you if you belonged. Claim that you have been to every lecture. Fight for your right to take the exam. 31. Upon receiving the exam, look it over, while laughing loudly, say "you don't really expect me to waste my time on this drivel? Days of our Lives is on!!!" 32. Bring a water pistol with you. Nuff said. 33. From the moment the exam begins, hum the theme to Jeopardy. Ignore the instructor's requests for you to stop. When they finally get you to leave one way or another, begin whistling the theme to the Bridge on the River Kwai. 34. Start a brawl in the middle of the exam. 35. If the exam is math/science related, make up the longest proofs you could possibly think of. Get pi and imaginary numbers into most equations. If it is a written exam, relate everything to your own life story. 36. Come in wearing a full knight's outfit, complete with sword and shield. 37. Bring a friend to give you a back massage the entire way through the exam. Insist this person is needed, because you have bad circulation. 38. Bring cheat sheets FOR ANOTHER CLASS (make sure this is obvious... like history notes for a calculus exam... otherwise you're not just failing, you're getting kicked out too) and staple them to the exam, with the comment "Please use the attached notes for references as you see fit." 39. When you walk in, complain about the heat. Strip. 40. After you get the exam, call the instructor over, point to any question, ask for the answer. Try to work it out of him/her. 41. One word: Wrestlemania. 42. Bring balloons, blow them up, start throwing them around like they do before concerts start. 43. Try to get people in the room to do the wave. 44. Play frisbee with a friend at the other side of the room. 45. Bring some large, cumbersome, ugly idol. Put it right next to you. Pray to it often. Consider a small sacrifice. 46. Get deliveries of candy, flowers, balloons, telegrams, etc... sent to you every few minutes throughout the exam. 47. During the exam, take apart everything around you. Desks, chairs, anything you can reach. 48. Complete the exam with everything you write being backwards at a 90 degree angle. 49. Bring a musical instrument with you, play various tunes. If you are asked to stop, say "it helps me think." Bring a copy of the Student Handbook with you, challenging the instructor to find the section on musical instruments during finals. Don't forget to use the phrase "Told you so". 50. Answer the exam with the "Top Ten Reasons Why Professor xxxx Sucks"
Ejemplos (da click en la imagen para verla mas grande):


This is an actual job application a 17-year-old boy submitted at a McDonald's fast-food establishment in Florida – and they hired him because he was so honest and funny! NAME: Greg Bulmash SEX: Not yet. Still waiting for the right person. DESIRED POSITION: Company's President or Vice President. But seriously, whatever's available. If I were in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be applying here in the first place. DESIRED SALARY: $185,000 a year plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz style severance package. If that's not possible, make an offer and we can haggle. EDUCATION: Yes. LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility. SALARY: Less than I'm worth. MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and post-it notes. REASON FOR LEAVING: It sucked. HOURS AVAILABLE TO WORK: Any. PREFERRED HOURS: 1:30-3:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL SKILLS? Yes, but they're better suited to a more intimate environment. MAY WE CONTACT YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER? If I had one, would I be here? DO YOU HAVE ANY PHYSICAL CONDITIONS THAT WOULD PROHIBIT YOU FROM LIFTING UP TO 50 LBS? Of what? DO YOU HAVE A CAR? I think the more appropriate question here would be "Do you have a car that runs? HAVE YOU RECEIVED ANY SPECIAL AWARDS OR RECOGNITION? I may already be a winner of the Publishers Clearing house Sweepstakes. DO YOU SMOKE? On the job no, on my breaks yes. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DOING IN FIVE YEARS? Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb sexy blonde super model who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. Actually, I'd like to be doing that now. DO YOU CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE? Yes – Absolutely. SIGN HERE: Aries.

Links que merecen la pena

Les dejo unos cuantos links interesantes muy creativos para que vean que internet no es solo para pornografia y messenger! Si tienen alguna pagina del estilo compartan!

15 de junio de 2007

Etch - A - Sketch

Tu que haces en tus ratos libres?

12 de junio de 2007

Un sustito!

Alguien me puede explicar la cabrona de la mamá que lo esta grabando!

10 de junio de 2007

9 de junio de 2007

Thou shalt always kill

Thou shalt not steal if there is direct victim. Thou shalt not worship pop idols or follow lost prophets. Thou shalt not take the names of Johnny Cash, Joe Strummer, Johnny Hartman, Desmond Decker, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix or Syd Barret in vain. Thou shalt not think that any male over the age of 30 that plays with a child that is not their own is a peadophile… Some people are just nice. Thou shalt not read NME. Thall shalt not stop liking a band just because they've become popular. Thou shalt not question Stephen Fry. Thou shalt not judge a book by it's cover. Thou shalt not judge Lethal Weapon by Danny Glover. Thall shalt not buy Coca-Cola products. Thou shalt not buy Nestle products. Thou shalt not go into the woods with your boyfriend's best friend, take drugs and cheat on him. Thou shalt not fall in love so easily. Thou shalt not use poetry, art or music to get into girls' pants. Use it to get into their heads. Thou shalt not watch Hollyokes. Thou shalt not attend an open mic and leave before it's done just because you've finished your shitty little poem or song you self-righteous prick. Thou shalt not return to the same club or bar week in, week out just 'cause you once saw a girl there that you fancied but you're never gonna fucking talk to. Thou shalt not put musicians and recording artists on ridiculous pedestals no matter how great they are or were. The Beatles… Were just a band. Led Zepplin… Just a band. The Beach Boys… Just a band. The Sex Pistols… Just a band. The Clash… Just a band. Crass… Just a band. Minor Threat… Just a band. The Cure… Just a band. The Smiths… Just a band. Nirvana… Just a band. The Pixies… Just a band. Oasis… Just a band. Radiohead… Just a band. Bloc Party… Just a band. [ed.'s note: this is debatable] The Arctic Monkeys… Just a band. The Next Big Thing.. JUST A BAND. Thou shalt give equal worth to tragedies that occur in non-english speaking countries as to those that occur in english speaking countries. Thou shalt remember that guns, bitches and bling were never part of the four elements and never will be. Thou shalt not make repetitive generic music, thou shalt not make repetitive generic music, thou shalt not make repetitive generic music, thou shalt not make repetitive generic music. Thou shalt not pimp my ride. Thou shalt not scream if you wanna go faster. Thou shalt not move to the sound of the wickedness. Thou shalt not make some noise for Detroit. When I say "Hey" thou shalt not say "Ho". When I say "Hip" thou shalt not say "Hop". When I say, he say, she say, we say, make some noise… kill me. Thou shalt not quote me happy. Thou shalt not shake it like a polaroid picture. Thou shalt not wish you girlfriend was a freak like me. Thou shalt spell the word "Pheonix" P-H-E-O-N-I-X not P-H-O-E-N-I-X, regardless of what the Oxford English Dictionary tells you. Thou shalt not express your shock at the fact that Sharon got off with Bradley at the club last night by saying "Is it". Thou shalt think for yourselves. And thou shalt always… Thou shalt always kill!

31 de mayo de 2007

Chiste para la peda

¿Que haces si te vienen persiguiendo una jirafa, un leon y un elefante? Te bajas de carrusel -Aportado por Ale

sugar sugar!

Otro gran exito!

27 de mayo de 2007

Resumen futbolistico del fin de semana

Este fin de semana hubieron varios partidos importantes, en México el Pachuca se corono campeón del torneo de Clausura tras vencer al America en el último partido de Cuauhtémoc Blanco en nuestro país antes de irse a jugar al futbol de Estados Unidos. En el futbol europeo, el Valencia se queda fuera de la pelea por el titulo de la liga española tras perder con el equipo del Guille Franco el Villareal 2 – 3 en un gran partido, mientras que los otros tres equipos peleando el titulo Madrid, Barcelona y Sevilla ganaron sus respectivos partidos. Lo más importante fue la expulsión de Ronaldinho después de dar una patada en “las partes íntimas” o huevos de un jugador del Getafe. El Atlético de Madrid del Vasco Aguirre venció 0 – 2 al Nástic, que ya es equipo de segunda, y mantiene sus opciones para estar en la copa de la UEFA el próximo año. En Italia el Inter, que ya es campeón, le metió 3 al Torino y la Roma gano 4 – 3 al Messina con dos goles de Toti que lo acercan mas a la Bota de Oro. En una nota no futbolera Fernando Alonso se llevo el primer lugar en el Gran Premio de Mónaco por delante de su co-equipero Hamilton.

18 de mayo de 2007

Lasse Gjertsen

Tremendo!!!! Todos los videos de Lasse en http://www.youtube.com/lassegg

17 de mayo de 2007

Te amo Florecilla!!!

Me quede sin palabras!

14 de mayo de 2007

El Madrid lider de La Liga

El Real Madrid es el flamante líder de la liga española tras vencer 4 – 3 al Español en una remontada increíble con goles de Raul, Van Nistelrooy, Reyes y el ultimo de Higuain al minuto 89 de juego.

Fue una semana negra para el Barcelona que fue eliminado de la Copa del Rey tras perder con un contundente 4 – 0 frente al Getafe y perder el liderato de la liga tras empatar con el Betis a 1 – 1. De esta forma el Madrid solo depende de si mismo para coronarse campeón de Liga una vez mas.

Ruud Van Nistelrooy puede ser Bota de Oro (mayor goleador de las ligas europeas) si marca cinco goles mas en los cuatro partidos que le quedan al Madrid. El único jugador del Madrid que lo ha logrado es Hugo Sánchez en 1990 tras marcar 38 goles en 35 partidos.

13 de mayo de 2007

Why can't i get

Por Ricardo
...just one kiss?
¿Recuerdas tu primer día en la secundaria? Los maestros cambiaban cada 50 minutos porque tu nivel de educación ya demandaba expertos para cada materia, el salón estaba atestado de rostros nuevos. Entre las horribles voces que no se decidían si seguías siendo un niño o eras ya un adolescente captó tu atención la de la niña sentada en el cuarto asiento de la tercera fila, mucho mejor que todas esas insípidas compañeras que dejaste atrás el día que te dieron el certificado de primaria. Por supuesto que no recuerdas lo que dijo pero recuerdas a la perfección el color de sus piernas cuando se levantó, al menos lo que dejaba ver su falda que no era suficiente para satisfacer tu fascinación al mirarla. Te apresuraste a formarte detrás de ella para que te revisaran el ejercicio; ahí fue la primera vez que te le acercaste, ahora sabías que usaba perfume; no había duda, ella era una mujer y tú tenías que tocarla. Para romper el hielo alguien puso a circular un chismografo, ahí leíste que tenía un novio en tercero y que todos en el salón le parecían unos escuincles. Meses después supiste que lo que quiso decir con eso: ninguno de sus compañeros lograba aún que se le parara.
...just one screw?
Llegaste a la prepa y todos parecían más dispuestos, pero la disposición que mostraban contigo no llegó a más de compartir sus babas en la misma botella de cerveza. Como siempre, aspiraste a la más deseada del salón; aparte de estar buena tenía una excelente conversación o al menos así te justificaste las horas que pasaste escuchándola entre clases. Le invitaste un café, le invitaste un pastel, le invitaste un helado, la invitaste a una fiesta, le invitaste una cerveza, la invitaste al cine, la invitaste a bailar, le pagaste su borrachera y un buen día te dijo que eras su mejor amigo pero que estaba buscando una relación madura; horas después comprendiste lo que quiso decir con eso: los veinteañeros la tienen más grande que tú.
...just one fuck?
Ya en la universidad empezaste a conducir el viejo coche de tu tío pero pensabas que un motel con ruedas no era suficiente para atraer a la mujer que deseabas así que empezaste a ejercitarte para tener el cuerpo de Iggy Pop. El abdomen marcado y tu tsuru '90 te dieron la confianza necesaria para invitarla a salir, ella aceptó la comida, la bebida, el fin de semana fuera de ciudad, un beso y de ahí permitió que la tocaras pero decidiste no aprovecharte de que estuviera borracha. Al día siguiente en el autobús de regreso a casa te dijo que aquello no se podía repetir, lo mejor será guardar el secreto, una relación con alguien como tú es algo que no me puedo permitir. En el momento supiste que lo que dijo fue lo que quiso decir; en la universidad todos están demasiado ocupados en lucir sensacionales como para andar tentándose el corazón con un gusanillo como tú.
and I will say that the day is in my sight
Y ahora que estás en el trabajo piensas conformarte con un beso en la comida de la empresa. Mientras mete su lengua en tu boca piensas en agarrarle las nalgas y arrancarle la falda; estás en un baño maloliente, encerrado en una cabinita convenciendo a esa compañera que reconoció al sujeto en el papel tapiz de tu computadora ¡Thurston Moore! exclamó emocionada y se fueron a comer esa tarde hace ya un mes, de que nadie los vi entrar al servicio juntos. Desde entonces no cruzaron más palabras que las que obliga la cortesía. Pero hoy te dieron dos botellas de ron y eso es todo lo que necesitas para conquistar a alguien mediante el baile; una cumbia, una salsa y un halago fueron suficientes para llevarla ahí donde quizá no podrás hacer las posiciones que sueñas con hacer pero al fin encuentras a alguien que te ve atractivo y adecuado para su vida; al menos hasta el lunes en que la evades y al fin le digas que no puedes estar con alguien que le guste Sonic Youth.
when I'll take a bow and say goodnight
Tomado de 10 : 1

9 de mayo de 2007

La musica de Mario Bros.

En bateria
En bajo de 11 cuerdas
En dos guitarras electricas
En guitarra clasica
En flauta
En piano tocada por Koji Kondo el compositor

6 de mayo de 2007

Chiste para la peda

¿Que es naranja y si te entra en el ojo te mata? El metro -Aportado por Mana

3 de mayo de 2007

The Hoff con unas copitas de mas!

Despues de manejar el Auto Increible y ser el salvavidas mas ruco en la historia esto es lo que hace David en su tiempo libre

Revancha en Atenas!

El Milan es el otro equipo que viajara a Atenas el 23 de mayo para disputarse la orejona contra el Liverpool después de vencer al Manchester United 3 – 0 en el partido de vuelta dejando el global en 5 – 3 para el equipo italiano.

Después de la increíble final de hace dos años donde los "Reds" remontaron el 3 - 0 que le daba el campeonato al Milan y venciéndolos en los penales le da un extra a esta final en la que el equipo rossonero buscara la revancha.

2 de mayo de 2007

Liverpool a la final de la champions!

En un gran partido en Anfield el equipo de Rafa Benítez logro su pase a la final de la Champions League derrotando al Chelsea de Abramovich y Mourinho en la tanda de penales después de empatar a uno en el marcador global. Un ir y venir constante por parte de los dos equipos fue la norma del partido pero ninguno pudo concretar en los metros finales. La actuación del portero español Pepe Reina fue determinante para que los “Reds” llegaran a su séptima final europea después de detener dos tiros desde el punto penal. La otra semifinal se juega hoy entre Milán y Manchester United que tiene una ventaja de 3 - 2 ante el equipo italiano que saldrá a jugar con todo en su estadio. Sera la revancha de Estambul o una final inglesa?

Cambiando de tema...

Esta es la versión 4 (mas o menos) de este blog y para hacerme mas fácil todo, voy a postear cualquier cosa que se me antoje, no tengo un tema especifico, solo son cosas que me gustan porque todo lo que dicen me da igual, mejor CAMBIAMOS DE TEMA!

22 de abril de 2007

Pronta Entrega

Recordando tu expresión Vuelvo a desear Esas noches de calor Llenas de ansiedad Sofocado por el sueño y la presión Busco un cuerpo para amar, La distancia va perdiendo su espesor, Pronta entrega por favor Me puedo estimular Con música y alcohol, Pero me excito más Cuando es con vos Siento todo irreal Cuando es con vos Siento todo irreal
Hoy se termina "Una al día" porque ya no tengo canciones, ya no tengo palabras, ya no tengo nada que decir. Espero que todas las canciones que puse le sirvan a alguien de alguna forma, ya sea con un sentimiento o un rato de diversión.

19 de abril de 2007


Que casualidad fue encontarte justo aca, Yo tan puesto vos tan apuesta Que sofisticado fue invitarte a coquetear, Yo tan lento, vos tan regia, sos hermosa, sos hermosa Que barbaridad haber tenido que esperar Para vernos de tan cerca Desnudemonos y no digamos nada mas, En silencio tus caricias son hermosas, son hermosas Y el mundo sonríe conmigo Todo lo que pueda arreglar hoy lo dejare para mañana Todo lo que pueda arreglar hoy lo dejare para mañana Que casualidad fue encontrarte justo aca Yo tan puesto vos tan apuesta Que atrevido fui al iniciarte en la verdad Yo radiante vos tan dispuesta Soy hermoso, soy hermoso, soy hermoso, soy hermoso, Y el mundo sonríe conmigo Todo lo que pueda arreglar hoy lo dejaré para mañana Todo lo que pueda arreglar hoy lo dejaré para mañana...

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Mad World

All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for their daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere Their tears are filling up their glasses No expression, no expression Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow No tomorrow, no tomorrow And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people run in circles It's a very, very Mad World Mad world Children waiting for the day they feel good Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday And I feel the way that every child should Sit and listen, sit and listen Went to school and I was very nervous No one knew me, no one knew me Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson Look right through me, look right through me And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people run in circles It's a very, very Mad World Mad World Enlarging your world Mad World

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15 de abril de 2007

Teenage Kicks

Are teenage dreams so hard to beat Everytime she walks down the street Another girl in the neighbourhood Wish she was mine, she looks so good I wanna hold her wanna hold her tight Get teenage kicks right through the night I'm gonna call her on the telephone Have her over cos i'm all alone I need exitement oh i need it bad And its the best, i've ever had I wanna hold her wanna hold her tight Get teenage kicks right through the night I wanna hold her wanna hold her tight Get teenage kicks right through the night

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14 de abril de 2007

What Became of the Likely Lads?

Please don't get me wrong See I forgive you in a song We'll call the Likely Lads But if it's left to you I know exactly what you'd do With all the dreams we had just blood runs thicker, oh We're thick as thieves, you know If that's important to you It's important to me I tried to make you see But you don't wanna know You don't want to know! If you pipe all summer long Then get forgiven in a song Well that's a touch, my lad They sold the rights to all the wrongs And when they knew you'd give me songs Welcome back, I said The blood runs thicker, oh We're thick as thieves, you know If that's important to you It's important to me I tried to make you see But you don't wanna know You don't want to know Oh what became of the Likely Lads? What became of the dreams we had? Oh what became of forever? Oh what became of forever? Though, we'll never know Please don't get me wrong See I forgive you in a song We call the Likely Lads We all bought the ones We taught 'em all we wrote the songs That's filled with dreams we have But blood runs thicker, oh We're thick as thieves, you know If that's important to you It's important to me I tried to make you see But you don't wanna know You don't want to know! Oh what became of the Likely Lads? What became of the dreams we had? Oh what became of forever? Oh what became of forever? We'll never know! But blood run thicker oh we're as thick as theives you know and that important to you yes it important to me I tried to make you see but you dont want to know. Oh what became of the Likely Lads? What became of the dreams we had? Oh what became of forever? Oh what became of forever? We'll never know!

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Me fui de vacaciones y por eso la falta de updates, prometo que pronto regresa todo a la normalidad!

3 de abril de 2007

Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour But heaven knows I'm miserable now I was looking for a job, and then I found a job And heaven knows I'm miserable now In my life Why do I give valuable time To people who don't care if I live or die ? Two lovers entwined pass me by And heaven knows I'm miserable now I was looking for a job, and then I found a job And heaven knows I'm miserable now In my life Oh, why do I give valuable time To people who don't care if I live or die ? What she asked of me at the end of the day Caligula would have blushed "You've been in the house too long" she said And I (naturally) fled In my life Why do I smile At people who I'd much rather kick in the eye ? I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour But heaven knows I'm miserable now "You've been in the house too long" she said And I (naturally) fled In my life Why do I give valuable time To people who don't care if I live or die ?

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26 de marzo de 2007

Everybody's Changing

You say you wander your own land But when I think about it I don't see how you can You're aching, you're breaking And I can see the pain in your eyes Says everybody's changing And I don't know why. So little time Try to understand that I'm Trying to fake 'em out just to stay in the game I try to stay awake and remember my name But everybody's changing And I don't feel the same. You're gone from here Soon you will disappear Fading into beautiful light 'cause everybody's changing And I don't feel right. So little time Try to understand that I'm Trying to fake 'em out just to stay in the game I try to stay awake and remember my name But everybody's changing And I don't feel the same. So little time Try to understand that I'm Trying to fake 'em out just to stay in the game I try to stay awake and remember my name But everybody's changing And I don't feel the same. Ooo... Everybody's changing And I don't feel the same.

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22 de marzo de 2007

The Aftermath

I'm wondering if my thoughts of her Have ever crossed her thoughts of me And if they're half as clear as mine And if there'll ever be a time For us to journey once again As lovers and as trusted friends What if the best is yet to come And this was only the first part run Get a hold of yourself Don't worry about the aftermath There is no one after you Or on your back Get a hold of yourself Don't worry about the aftermath There is no one after you There is no one after you There is no one after you But the everyday just can't compete With the beauty of a polariod Where the fairytale endures complete And her eyes are always full of joy Like a frozen glimpse of butterflies On a clourized celluloid sky She waves her cheerful last goodbye And begs for me to let passed things slide Get a hold of yourself And don't worry about the aftermath Cause there is no one after you No one on your back Get a hold of yourself And don't worry about the aftermath There is no one after you There is no one after you

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Como te extraño

Cómo te extraño mi amor, ¿por qué será?, me falta todo en la vida si no estás. Cómo te extraño mi amor, ¿que puedo hacer?, te extraño tanto que voy a enloquecer. A veces pienso que tú nunca vendrás, pero te quiero y te tengo que esperar este destino me lleva hasta el final, donde algún día mi amor te encontrará. Ay, amor divino, pronto tienes que volver. Cómo te extraño, me falta todo en la vida si no estás. Cómo te extraño, te extraño tanto que voy a enloquecer. A veces pienso que tú nunca vendrás, pero te quiero y te tengo que esperar. Este destino me lleva hasta el final, donde algún día mi amor te encontrará. Ay, amor divino, pronto tienes que volver. El dolor es fuerte lo soporto porque vivo pensando en tu amor. Quiero verte tenerte y besarte y entregarte todo mi corazón. Ay amor divino...

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20 de marzo de 2007

How soon is now?

I am the son and the heir Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar I'm son and heir Of nothing in particular You, shut your mouth! How can you say I go about things the wrong way I am Human and I need to be Loved Just like everybody else does There's a club if you'd like to go You could meet somedody who really loves you So you go and you stand on your own And you leave on your own And you go home and you cry And you want to die When you say it's gonna happen Now Well, when exactly do you mean See, I've already waited too long And all my hope is gone You, shut your mouth! How can you say I go about things the wrong way I am Human and I need to be Loved

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Tear You Apart

Got a big plan, this mindset maybe its right At the right place and right time, maybe tonight And the whisper or handshake sending a sign Wanna make out and kiss hard, wait nevermind Late night, and passing, mention it flipped her Best friend, who knows saying maybe it slipped But the slip turns to terror and a crush to light When she walked in, he throws up, believe its the fright Its cute in a way, till you cannot speak And you leave to have a cigarette, your knees get weak An escape is just a nod and a casual wave Obsessed about it, heavy for the next two days It's only just a crush, it'll go away It's just like all the others it'll go away Or maybe this is danger and you just don't know You pray it all away but it continues to grow I want to hold you close Skin pressed against me tight Lie still, and close your eyes girl So lovely, it feels so right I want to hold you close Soft breasts, beating heart As I whisper in your ear I want to f*cking tear you apart Then he walked up and told her, thinking that he'd passed And they talked and looked away a lot, doing the dance Her hand brushed up against his, she left it there Told him how she felt and then they locked in a stare They took a step back, thought about it, what should they do Cause theres always repercussions when you're dating in school But their lips met, and reservations started to pass Whether this was just an evening or a thing that would last Either way he wanted her and this was bad He wanted to do things to her it was making him crazy Now a little crush turned into a like And now he wants to grab her by the hair and tell her I want to hold you close Skin pressed against me tight Lie still, and close your eyes girl So lovely, it feels so right I want to hold you close Soft breasts, beating heart As I whisper in your ear I want to f*cking tear you apart

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Down Is The New Up

Get yourself together Let the light pour in Pour yourself a hot bath, pour yourself a drink Nothing's gonna happen without a warning Down is the new up What is up, buttercup Down is the new up, is the new up Your services are not required Your future's bleak, you're so last week Ladies and gentlemen, without a safety net I shall now perform a 180 flip-flop I shall now amputate, I shall now contort Because down is the new up What if I just flip-flopped? Down is the new up Down is the new up Down is the new up, is the new up You're on Candid Camera The chink in your armor Topsy turvy town, topsy turvy town Shake your pockets out Pass it on, pass it down Topsy turvy town, topsy turvy town

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15 de marzo de 2007


Bla nótt yfir himininn Bla nótt yfir mér Horf-inn ut um gluggann Minn með hendur Faldar undir kinn Hugsum daginn minn Í dag og i gær Bla nattfötin klæða mig i Beint upp i rum Breiði mjuku sængina Loka augunum Ég fel hausinn undir sæng Starir a mig litill alfur Hleypur að mér en hreyfist ekki Ur stað - sjalfur Staralfur Opna augun Stirurnar ur Teygi mig og tel Kominn aftur og alltalltilæ Samt vantar eitthvað (Eins og alla veggina) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Night Over The Sky Blue Night Over Me Disappeared Out Of The Window Me With Hands Hidden Under My Cheek I Think About My Day Today And Yesterday I Put On My Blue Nighties Go Straight To Bed I Pull The Soft Covers Over Close My Eyes I Hide My Head Under The Covers A Little Elf Stares At Me Runs Towards Me But Doesn’t Move From Place - Himself A Staring Elf I Open My Eyes Take The Crusts Out Stretch Myself And Check (If I Haven’t) Returned Again And Everything Is Okay Still There Is Something Missing Like All The Walls

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Chips Ahoy!

she put 900 dollars on the fifth horse in the sixth race i think his name was chips ahoy. came in six lengths ahead we spent the whole next week getting high at first i thought that she hit on some tip that she got from some other boy. we were overjoyed. i got a girl and she don't have to work she can tell which horse is gonna finish in first some nights the painkillers make the pain even worse came in six lengths ahead we spent the whole next week getting high i love this girl but i cant tell when she's having a good time. How am I supposed to know that you're high if you wont let me touch you? How am i supposed to know that you're high if you wont even dance? shes hard on the heart shes soft to the touch she gets migrane headaches when she does it too much. she always does it too much. How am I supposed to know that you're high if you wont let me touch you? How am I supposed to know that you're high if you won't even dance? and you won't even dance.

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12 de marzo de 2007

Wasted Little DJ's

They told me if I write this song for them. That they would cut my hair for free. But that's not me no liberties. They're in to all the coolest bands and knowing that they're going to the gigs as fans entitles me to some decency. Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae They're the cleverest blonde weekend. Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae I WISH everybody danced like them. Split visions of a talkative therapy It makes me bend away it gives me E seems hard to say, its insanity. The same record for the 16th time Exact same set you did the last time round Doesn't bother me we're in harmony. Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae They're the cleverest blonde weekend. Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae I WISH everybody danced like them. No low emotions rolling tonight Young heavy hopefuls staying the night So stick around and wait for the day. Craziness kills lazyness N happiness Takes bad bets no one gives a fuck U see we're all out of our little heads. Craziness kills lazyness N happiness Takes bad bets no one gives a fuck You see we're all out of our, All out of our, All out of our little fucking heads Doo doo doo doo... Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae They're the cleverest blonde weekend. Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae I WISH everybody danced like them. Can anybody dance like them Can U tell me Does anybody dance like them Can U tell me Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae
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La parte de adelante

Soy vulnerable de tu lado más amable. Soy carcelero de tu lado más grosero. Soy el soldado de tu lado más malvado, y el arquitecto de tus lados incorrectos. Soy propietario de tu lado más caliente. Soy dirigente de tu parte más urgente. Soy artesano de tu lado más humano, y el comandante de tu parte de adelante. Soy inocente de tu lado más culpable, pero el culpable de tu lado más caliente. Soy el custodio de tus ráfagas de odio, y el comandante de tu parte de adelante. Perdiendo imagen a tu lado estoy mi vida. Mañana será un nuevo punto de partida. Soy vagabundo de tu lado más profundo, por un segundo de tu cuerpo doy el mundo. Que más quisiera que pasar la vida entera, como estudiante el día de la primavera. Siempre viajando en un asiento de primera, el comandante de tu balsa de madera. (x 4) Y dice: "Estoy buscando alguien que me entienda, alguien para recordar. Porque soy un vagabundo que va por el mundo." Uh, regresa a su casa, alguna casa, para encontrar a esa princesa vampira, que respira, respira y me mira. Princesa vampira, respira y me mira

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6 de marzo de 2007

On Call

She said call me now and id come a running x 2 If you'd call me now baby id come a running. Im on call to be there, one and all to be there. When I fall, to pieces, lord you know ill be there waiting (I'll be there, ill be there.) Im on call to be there, one and all to be there. when i fall. to pieces, lord you know, ill be there waiting Im gon go, so be there, one for all, wont be there, when you fall to pieces, lord you know I'll be there laughing (i come a running x 4) (to be there x2) I'm on call, to be there x 4

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Miss You

there's a shark deep down under I try to call her name but the dark waters between us makes me call in vain surfing on the surface with my fingers in the water but she seems to have lost her interest in meat I miss you all the time though you sit next to me I hope you feel just fine wherever you may be whatever's in your way among the few indulgent sailors I am the patient one you're the muse so involved with the fingers in your hair i miss you all the time... I pray for you for your return in me you will forever burn
Sin video

Kashmir - Miss You
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28 de febrero de 2007


Riding through the city on my bike all day Cause the filth took away my licence It doesn't get me down and I feel ok Cause the sights that I'm seeing are priceless Everything seems to look as it should But I wonder what goes on behind doors A fella looking dapper, but he's sittin with a slapper Then I see it's a pimp and his crack whore You might laugh you might frown Walkin' round London town Chorus Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ? Would I wanna be anywhere else Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ? Would I wanna be anywhere else When you look with your eyes Everything seems nice But if you look twice you can see it's all lies There was a little old lady, who was walkin down the road She was struggling with bags from Tesco There were people from the city havin lunch in the park I believe that it's called al fresco Then a kid came along to offer a hand But before she had time to accept it hits her over the head, doesn't care if she's dead Cause he's got all her jewellery and wallet You might laugh you might frown walkin round London town Chorus Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ? Would I wanna be anywhere else Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ? Would I wanna be anywhere else When you look with your eyes Everything seems nice But if you look twice you can see it's all lies Life, that's city life, yeah that's city life, that's city life Life, that's city life, yeah that's city life, that's city life Chorus Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ? Would I wanna be anywhere else Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ? Would I wanna be anywhere else Chorus x4

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25 de febrero de 2007

Roadhouse Blues

Ah keep your eyes on the road, Your hands upon the wheel. Keep your eyes on the road Your hands upon the wheel. Yeah, were going to the roadhouse, Gonna have a real good-time. Yeah, the back of the roadhouse, Theyve got some bungalows. Yeah, the back of the roadhouse, Theyve got some bungalows. They dance for the people Who like to go down slow. Let it roll, baby, roll. Let it roll, baby, roll. Let it roll, baby, roll. Let it roll, all night long. Do it, robby, do it! You gotta roll, roll, roll, You gotta thrill my soul, alright. Roll, roll, roll, roll-a Thrill my soul. Ashen-lady. Ashen-lady. Give up your vows. Give up your vows. Save our city. Save our city. Ah, right now. Well, I woke up this morning And I got myself a beer. Well, I woke up this morning And I got myself a beer. The futures uncertain And the end is always near. Let it roll, baby, roll. Let it roll, baby, roll. Let it roll, baby, roll. Let it roll, all night long.

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Standing In The Way Of Control

Your backs against the wall There's no one home to call you're forgetting who you are you can't stop crying It's part not giving in and part trusting your friends you'll do it all again and i'm not lying standing in the way of control yeah live your lives by the only way that you know, know. I'm doing this for you because it's easier to lose. and it's time to face the truth when you think you're dying It's part not giving in and part trusting your friends you'll do it all again but you don't stop trying. standing in the way of control yeah live your lives by the only way that you know, know. standing in the way of control we live our lives because we're standing in the way of control we either live our lives because we're standing in the way of control we live our lives because we're standing in the way of control we either live our lives, lives, lives.

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22 de febrero de 2007

The Way

They made up their minds And they started packing They left before the sun came up that day An exit to eternal summer slacking But where were they going without ever knowing the way? They drank up the wine And they got to talking They now had more important things to say And when the car broke down they started walking Where were they going without ever knowing the way? Chorus: Anyone could see the road that they walk on is paved in gold And its always summer, theyll never get cold Theyll never get hungry Theyll never get old and gray You can see their shadows wandering off somewhere They wont make it home But they really dont care They wanted the highway Theyre happy there today , today The children woke up And they couldnt find em They left before the sun came up that day They just drove off And left it all behind em But where were they going without ever knowing the way? Anyone could see the road that they walk on is paved in gold And its always summer, theyll never get cold Theyll never get hungry Theyll never get old and gray You can see their shadows wandering off somewhere They wont make it home But they really dont care They wanted the highway Theyre happy there today , today

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21 de febrero de 2007

First Day Of My Life

This is the first day of my life Swear I was born right in the doorway I went out in the rain, suddenly everything changed They're spreading blankets on the beach Yours is the first face that I saw I think I was blind before I met you Now I don't know where I am, don't know where I've been But I know where I want to go And so I thought I'd let you know That these things take forever, I especially am slow But I realized that I need you And I wondered if I could come home Remember the time you drove all night Just to meet me in the morning And I thought it was strange, you said everything changed You felt as if you'd just woke up And you said, "This is the first day of my life. I'm glad I didn't die before I met you. But, now I don't care, I could go anywhere with you And I'd probably be happy." So if you wanna be with me With these things there's no telling We'll just have to wait and see But I'd rather be working for a paycheck Than waiting to win the lottery Besides, maybe this time it's different I mean I really think you like me

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20 de febrero de 2007

On The Radio

This is how it works It feels a little worse Than when we drove our hearse Right through that screaming crowd While laughing up a storm Until we were just bone Until it got so warm That none of us could sleep And all the styrofoam Began to melt away We tried to find some words To aid in the decay But none of them were home Inside their catacomb A million ancient bees Began to sting our knees While we were on our knees Praying that disease Would leave the ones we love And never come again On the radio We heard November Rain That solo's really long But it's a pretty song We listened to it twice 'Cause the DJ was asleep This is how it works You're young until you're not You love until you don't You try until you can't You laugh until you cry You cry until you laugh And everyone must breathe Until their dying breath No, this is how it works You peer inside yourself You take the things you like And try to love the things you took And then you take that love you made And stick it into some Someone else's heart Pumping someone else's blood And walking arm in arm You hope it don't get harmed But even if it does You'll just do it all again And on the radio You hear November Rain That solo's awful long But it's a good refrain You listen to it twice 'Cause the DJ is asleep On the radio (oh oh oh) On the radio On the radio - uh oh On the radio - uh oh On the radio - uh oh On the radio

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Redemption Song

Old pirates, yes, they rob I Sold I to the merchant ships Minutes after they took I From the bottomless pit But my hand was made strong By the hand of the Almighty We forward in this generation Triumphantly. Won't you help to sing These songs of freedom 'Cause all I ever have Redemption songs Redemption songs Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery None but ourselves can free our minds Have no fear for atomic energy 'Cause none of them can stop the time How long shall they kill our prophets While we stand aside and look Some say it's just a part of it We've got to fulfil de book Won't you help to sing These songs of freedom 'Cause all I ever have Redemption songs Redemption songs Redemption songs Old pirates, yes, they rob I Sold I to the merchant ships Minutes after they took I From the bottomless pit How long shall they kill our prophets While we stand aside and look Some say it's just a part of it We've got to fulfil de book Won't you help to sing These songs of freedom 'Cause all I ever had Redemption songs All I ever had These songs of freedome 'Cause all I ever had Redemption songs These songs of freedom Songs of freedom

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Hang Me Up To Dry

Careless in our summer clothes splashing around in the muck and the mile Careless in our summer clothes splashing around in the muck and the mile fell asleep with stains cake deep in the knees what a pain now hang me up to dry you wrung me out too too too many times now hang me up to dry I'm pearly like the whites the whites of your eyes all mixed up in the wash hot water bleeding our colors all mixed up in the wash hot water bleeinding our colors now hang me up to dry you wrung me out too too too many times now hang me up to dry I'm pearly like the white the whites of your eyes now hang me up to dry you wrung me out too too too many times now hang me up to dry I'm pearly like the white the whites of your eyes now hang me up to dry you wrung me out too too too many times now hang me up to dry I'm pearly like the white the whites of your eyes

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15 de febrero de 2007

The Prayer

Lord, give me grace And dancing feet And the power to impress Lord, give me grace And dancing feet Let me outshine the moon Is it so wrong to crave recognition? Second best Runner up Is it so wrong to want rewarding? To want more than is given to you? Than is given to you? Tonight make me unstoppable And I will charm, I will slice, I will dazzle them with my wit Tonight make me unstoppable And I will charm, I will slice I will dazzle I will outshine all Standing on the packed dance floor Our bodies thrown in time Silent on the weekdays Tonight I claim what’s mine Is it so wrong to crave recognition? Second best Runner up Is it so wrong to want rewarding? To want more than is given to you? Than is given to you? //Tonight make me unstoppable And I will charm, I will slice, I will dazzle them with my wit Tonight make me unstoppable And I will charm, I will slice I will dazzle I will outshine all//

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